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Also, please join the mailing list to become part of the Bio-Linux users community. 2-centos_linux64binfastq-dump --split-files err571271.sra解压后产生err571271_1.fastq 和 err571271_2.fastq 文件。 下载 docker 镜像为了测试方便目前的最新版本 v3. 6. 2 可以支持常见的 illumina miseqhiseq 和 ion torrent 测序数据,对单分子测序平台的 pacbio 和 nanopore 的测序数据也能进行 Bio-Linux是功能齐全的、强大的、可定制的、易于维护的生物分析工作站。Bio-Linux基于Ubuntu提供500多个生物分析程序,由一个图形化的菜单进行管理,能方便地访问到其生物分析文档系统及对测试程序有用的样本数据。 Bio-Linux is a full-featured, powerful, configurable and easy-to-maintain bioinformatics workstation. Bio-Linux provides more than 500 bioinformatics programs on an Ubuntu base. There is a graphical menu for bioinformatics programs, as well as easy access to the Bio-Linux bioinformatics documentation system and sample data useful for testing Bio-Linux 8 is a powerful, free bioinformatics workstation platform that can be installed on anything from a laptop to a large server, or run as a virtual machine. Bio-Linux 8 adds more than 250 bioinformatics packages to an Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS base, providing around 50 graphical applications and several hundred command line tools.
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